Insulated Sandwich Panels
Products >> Insulated Sandwich Panels
Core purpose of Insulated Sandwich Panels

Create a controlled environment in which to regulate temperature through use of refrigeration units/aircons.

Key Benefits of Insulated Sandwich Panels

Efficient and effective insulation properties, Easy to assemble and build, Surface is easy to disinfect and avoid contamination in items being made or stored.

Technical Composition of the product

EPS Panel

0.5mm frost white chromadek outer,
16kg/m3 EPS inner.

PU Panel

0.5mm frost white chromadek outer,
40kg/m3 Polyurethane inner.

Types of Panels Manufactured locally

Polyurethane Sandwich Panels

Core Materials: (PU) Polyurethane core panel.
Unique Attributes: High density and better fire resistant core.

Polyurethane Sandwich Panels

Core Materials: (EPS) expanded polystyrene core panel.
Unique Attributes: Cost effective insulation as a core material.
Examples & Usage

PU Core more dense thinner panels, EPS less dense thicker panels. Our sheets are made and cut to individual specifications.  

Need more info? Give us a call today.